“MY FAIR LADY” [Pygmalion]
Can you change what you are,
If you change the way you speak?
Theater “Ichneftes” in collaboration with the Archdiocesan Hellenic Cultural Center presented the Oscar winning musical comedy “My Fair Lady”
[Pygmalion] by George Bernard Shaw, directed by Martha Tompoulidou on October 14- November 20, 2011.
* Synopsis: My Fair Lady [Pygmalion], tells the familiar story of Eliza Doolittle, a covent garden flower peddler who agrees to take speech lessons from phonetician Henry Higgins in order to fulfill her dream of working in a flower shop. However, Eliza succeeds so well that she outgrows her lowly social status, and manages to become an indispensable part of Higgins' life.
* The actors in alphabetical order: Demetri Bonaros, Olympia Diomis, Theodora Myrto Koimtzi, John Kallianiotis, Diodoros Pagoudis, Alkis Sarantinos, Phyto Stratis, Vassilea Terzaki, Martha Tompoulidou, Κaterina Zoupanou.
* On the piano: Areti Giovannou